Bona Fide Conglomerate Inc.

Woman in wheelchair trying to ride up ramp outside of building. | TFM and the ADA

ADA Compliance in Facilities Management: Common Questions

Facilities Managers often have questions related to ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance. Compliance to the ADA is rooted in the consideration and accommodation for people with disabilities.  When buildings are poorly designed or outdated, they can be difficult or even impossible for people with disabilities to use.  In those cases, the human right for […]
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image of dozens of hands reaching into a blue sky | disability inclusion and advocacy in the AbilityOne program

Jobs for People with Disabilities: How the AbilityOne Program is Changing Lives

What is the AbilityOne Program? The AbilityOne Program is a federal program that creates employment opportunities for people who are blind or have significant disabilities. The program was established in 1938. It is one of the largest sources of employment for people with disabilities in the United States. The AbilityOne Program works by awarding contracts […]
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Two men sit at desk, one in wheelchair. | October is Disability Employment Awareness Month

DEI Cuts Underscore Need for Workplace Advocates

Despite recent positive Disability Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policies across big business, accommodating workplaces are trending downward.  NBC News reported a concerning trend for this year: DEI role cutbacks will continue in 2023. A wave of change that seemed to point to a new standard of inclusion in 2020 has taken a significant tumble.  The […]
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Picture of Bona Fide project manager and disability advocate Tina Tyko

Disability Employment Awareness Month: Supporting People with Disabilities

Every October, we observe Disability Employment Awareness Month, taking time to acknowledge the contributions made by individuals with disabilities to our workplaces. These contributions tell a bigger story about inclusion and the societal change that’s still needed Disability is not an obstacle to success – it is a natural part of the human experience. By […]
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picture of high-rise building | Smart Technology in Buildings

Revolutionizing Facilities Management: The Impact of Smart Building Technology

Smart Building Technology is Revolutionizing Facility Management. Smart building technology is like a conductor of an orchestra, blending different elements of your property into a symphony of efficiency. Using this new technology can turn outdated buildings into dynamic and efficient facilities. This technology is quickly becoming the backbone of structural architecture and maintenance. Let’s look […]
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