Bona Fide Conglomerate Inc.

picture of construction workers around blueprints | TFM in renovations

When to Integrate Total Facilities Management into Your Project

Total Facilities Management (TFM) refers to a comprehensive approach to facilities management.  TFM integrates all aspects of running a building or facility under a single service provider. By consolidating maintenance services, TFM aims to simplify contract management, streamline processes, and save money. It’s a flexible and scalable solution that can be customized to meet an […]
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man standing in large machinery room with clipboard | total facilities management

What Do Facilities Managers Do?

In the day-to-day activity of a bustling building, facility managers play an often overlooked yet indispensable role, ensuring the seamless functioning of the spaces we work in. But what exactly does a facilities manager do? Lets examine some key roles and responsibilities. The DNA of Facilities Management Facilities management encompasses a wide range of responsibilities, […]
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Woman in wheelchair trying to ride up ramp outside of building. | TFM and the ADA

ADA Compliance in Facilities Management: Common Questions

Facilities Managers often have questions related to ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance. Compliance to the ADA is rooted in the consideration and accommodation for people with disabilities.  When buildings are poorly designed or outdated, they can be difficult or even impossible for people with disabilities to use.  In those cases, the human right for […]
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picture of high-rise building | Smart Technology in Buildings

Revolutionizing Facilities Management: The Impact of Smart Building Technology

Smart Building Technology is Revolutionizing Facility Management. Smart building technology is like a conductor of an orchestra, blending different elements of your property into a symphony of efficiency. Using this new technology can turn outdated buildings into dynamic and efficient facilities. This technology is quickly becoming the backbone of structural architecture and maintenance. Let’s look […]
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picture of the Whitehouse| GAO report on GSA sustainability progress

GAO: Sustainable Buildings Progress, But GSA Hurdles Remain

GSA’s Green Goals: A Leap Towards a Sustainable Future, But Hurdles Remain In an effort to reach a lower carbon footprint, the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) has been prioritizing greener buildings. A recent report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) praises and questions the agency’s efforts towards sustainability. The Green Dream Back in […]
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Two works with backs to camera hold orange hardhats under their arms.

Strengthening Communities with Total Facilities Management

Selecting a Total Facilities Management (TFM) provider is a significant decision for any organization. But what if your choice could also make a positive impact on the community? By opting for a TFM provider that employs people with disabilities, you’re not just securing excellent service. You’re also fostering a more inclusive society. This article will […]
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